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Wednesday, December 8, 2010


  1. Hi, can you please remove my blog from your list ?

    I don't want too much traffic and I have other reasons too...

    Thanks you in advance.


  2. I removed the link, soundspot.

    But one question:
    Why do you let Google and other search engines crawl your blog if you don't want too much traffic? The "unwanted parties" usually always come in through Google not through a fanlist like this blog.

    You can get rid off the search engines the following way:
    blogger dashboard > settings > Let search engines find your blog? > set to "no"


  3. Ok, I don't know how much traffic you have here, I thought that I'll have dozens requests for all the deads links I have on the blog, I'm a little bit lazy to reup all the stuff.
    If I don't let peoples find me on google, then I'll have no traffic at all beside my real life friends.
    So I don't mind if you want to put it on the list.


